Friday, February 20, 2015

Construction Day 5: All Good Things Must Come to an End

Alas, today was the final day of work on the site. But good news! The regional construction supervisor said that we had done such a good job that he canceled our flight back on Sunday!

But seriously, as part of the day's final farewell, there were several representatives of Habitat for Humanity El Salvador, and everyone was extremely happy with how much we achieved in our time here. We hate to say goodbye, but we can go home knowing that we put a family well on their way to a safe and quality home.

We only worked half a day today, but we got another two courses laid, bringing our total up to 4! The septic system folks were waist-deep in the second hole, so they also made some wonderful progress there.

Lunch was a delicious steak and sausage, cooked by one of the Habitat staff. And after the meal we had a small ceremony, where we gave some small gifts to the family and the masons and got a certificate and HFHES calendar. Our mason was Mr. June!

The big surprise for the group was a mariachi band [photo]! They came and played a few songs, and much of our group was enticed to dance. Yes, there is video (perhaps to come later). The kids also enjoyed a Tinkerbell piñata!

When we were finally done with our goodbyes, we headed to the nearby town of Ataco for some shopping, sightseeing, and a drink or two. It's a pretty little town, just right for an hour to relax.

A few notes from earlier. First, our hotel has a menagerie. There are monkeys, an ostrich, deer, and more. It's a little odd, but kind of cool at the same time.

Second, Sarah was able yesterday to visit the medical clinic. It was a day of appointments for pregnant women, and the doctor let her sit in on a few visits and see how he works. Sarah hopes that she can set up a return visit, either through her school or by herself. This is a great idea, and hopefully it will work out!

1 comment:

Brenfay said...

I am really impressed with what the group has accomplished this week. It shows what hard work can do!