Alex got up in front of the group and said a few words of thanks to everyone who worked on the house, and then invited Saoul and Jose to say something, as well. It was really great to hear them speak, as they talked about how much they enjoyed us and hoped we would return.

We had also stopped on the way to the worksite this morning, not only to try to find a plumb bob for Don, but to pick up some gifts for the baby and for the young daughter of Jose. Of course, little did we know that we would arrive at the site to find that Heidi had been gone all day yesterday because when she went to her doctor’s appointment, he sent her to the hospital to give birth! We were happy to be able to celebrate with the family, if a little sad not to be able to say goodbye to Heidi.

Finally, it was time to eat! After our group had gotten our food, all the kids in the neighborhood got in line; Alex had given them tickets earlier, and they all got a small plate of food in exchange for their tickets. The adults then got a share, too. We were all happy that Habitat was able to share with the neighborhood like that.

Just before we left, we led the kids in the Hokey Pokey! They probably didn’t get the words, but they understood the concept, and anytime you get to jump around is fun! So we said our goodbyes, took our last 12-minute ride down the bumpiest, roughest “road” in the world, made it back to the paved road, and headed to the hotel.
Of course, as we were turning to head out of town, what passed us headed the way we had come but a big cement truck! Oh, well. Our way burned more calories!